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Hot Stamping / Foil Stamping

Gold stamping printing equipment

What's Hot Stamping?

Hot stamping, also known as foil stamping, is an important method for surface decoration of plastic parts and is a common decorative process for household appliances and consumer electronics. It involves using a heated stamping head to transfer the metal or pigment layer from the stamping foil onto the surface of the workpiece to achieve decoration or marking purposes.

The material used for hot stamping is primarily aluminized paper, which is cost-effective, resistant to oxidation, and has a good gloss. Although its main material is not actually gold, people still habitually refer to it as “gold stamping.”

Hot Stamping Showcase

Gold stamping on gaming headphones


Gold-stamped household item casing

Household item casing

Hot-stamped plastic bottle cap

Plastic bottle cap

Hot-stamped toothbrush case

Tooth Brush Case

Pros & Cons of Hot/Foil Stamping



Comparación de precios de diferentes procesos de tratamiento de superficies de impresión

Printing Process Descripción Price
Grabado por láser
Utiliza rayos láser para grabar patrones, texto o imágenes.
Utiliza una pantalla para transferir tinta a un sustrato.
Estampación en caliente
Utiliza calor y presión para transferir una lámina o tinta a una superficie.
Impresión por transferencia de agua
Utiliza una película soluble en agua para transferir patrones sobre objetos.
Utiliza una almohadilla de silicona para transferir tinta a una superficie.